Adding OpenVPN Application and Profile to Rocky Linux 8

OpenVPN is a popular open-source VPN (Virtual Private Network) application that allows you to securely connect to remote networks over the internet. It's widely used for privacy protection, bypassing geo-restrictions, and securing communications over untrusted networks. If you're using Rocky Linux 8 and want to set up OpenVPN, this guide will walk you through the process step by step.


  1. Access to a remote OpenVPN server.
  2. Root access or sudo privileges on your Rocky Linux 8 system.
  3. Basic understanding of working with the command line interface.


Step 1: Update System Packages

Before installing any new software, it's recommended to update the system packages to their latest versions. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

# sudo dnf update

Enter your password when prompted and confirm the update.


Step 2: Install OpenVPN

Rocky Linux 8 uses the DNF package manager to install software packages. Open a terminal and install OpenVPN by running:

# sudo dnf install openvpn

Type 'y' to confirm and proceed with the installation if prompted.


Step 3: Obtain OpenVPN Configuration Files

You'll need the configuration files (.ovpn) from your VPN provider or administrator. These files contain information about the VPN server, encryption settings, and authentication credentials. Once you have obtained the necessary configuration files, transfer them to your Rocky Linux 8 system. You can use SCP, SFTP, or any other method you prefer for file transfer.


Step 4: Configure OpenVPN

1. Create a directory to store your OpenVPN configuration files. You can use the following command to create a directory named `openvpn` in your home directory:

mkdir ~/openvpn

2. Move the downloaded OpenVPN configuration files (.ovpn) to the newly created directory. For example, if your configuration file is named `example.ovpn`, you can use the following command:

# mv /path/to/example.ovpn ~/openvpn/


Step 5: Start OpenVPN Connection

Now that you have installed OpenVPN and placed your configuration files in the appropriate directory, you can start the VPN connection. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing your configuration file:

# cd ~/openvpn

To establish a connection, use the `openvpn` command followed by the name of your configuration file. For example:

# sudo openvpn example.ovpn

Replace `example.ovpn` with the name of your actual configuration file.

Enter your sudo password if prompted, and OpenVPN will start establishing the connection using the provided configuration file.


Step 6: Verify Connection

Once the connection is established, you should see log messages indicating a successful connection. You can also verify your public IP address to ensure that your traffic is being routed through the VPN server.

# curl

If the displayed IP address matches the IP address of your VPN server, your connection is successful, and your traffic is being routed through the VPN.


Step 7: Disconnecting from OpenVPN

To disconnect from the VPN, simply press `Ctrl + C` in the terminal window where OpenVPN is running. This will terminate the OpenVPN process and disconnect you from the VPN server.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured OpenVPN on Rocky Linux 8. You can now browse the internet securely and privately through your VPN connection. Remember to disconnect from the VPN when you no longer need it to restore your normal internet connection.